Sunday, May 13, 2012

Facebook Face Recognition feature

Face Recognition feature or tag suggestions automatically find faces in the upload photos. Facial recognition software suggests names of the users based on photos they have already been tagged. I believe Facebook should take permission from users before enrolling users in new features without their knowledge or consent. It is people rights to know that facial recognition feature is being implemented and they should be aware of it. There was no choice for the people not to allow others to tag in pictures. There should be a feature that stops people from tagging pictures. Facebook users must be very aware that they will not be tagged in pictures that they don’t want to share with others. It’s all about privacy and being secure in your daily life and not being able to control is something everyone hates.

There are so much of things to think about before posting it to Facebook. Some ethical decisions that I have to make in my social networking activities are in terms of the photos, which I post. Is it ethical to post someone’s pictures while they are drinking in a bar, as his parents might not know that he was drinking in a bar. 

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